Space Invaders – extendet until 30th September!

News 18.09.23

Space Invaders – extendet until 30th September!

The exhibition Space Invaders brings together works by three artists working in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Berlin who deal in different ways with the question of exploring and taking over space. The title quotes the computer game “Space Invaders”, launched in the 1970s, a shoot ‚em up game with limited freedom of movement. In the gameplay of the 1978 classic, aliens approach from the air in a grid-like arrangement, which the players fight from the ground.


Sonja Heim (*1997) deals intensively with ‚human-animal-object-relationships‘ in her work. The expansive installations form small-scale worlds, formed from elements of craftsmanship or mass industry, such as glass beads or chicken blinders. In doing so, she transfers behavioral patterns or production processes of Western-influenced high cultures and class identities into the exhibition space. Jacqueline Hen (*1989) works at the intersection of design, art, and research, exploring possibilities for social transformation through communication and participation. In her light art objects and large-scale immersive installations, she explores the unconscious perception of one’s own movement, tension, posture, and position in space (proprioception) as well as experiences of contingency (Luhmann, Parsons) in the intertwining of physical and virtual living spaces. In her artistic work, Catharina Szonn (*1987) deals with technological and social realities of our present, in which she draws on cultural phenomena that have already passed and depicts machines as left-behind colloborateurs of an incessant idea of economic expansion. The boundaries to philosophical themes, textual and linguistic forms are fluid in her mode of expression.